Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Country to holiday in...

Of all the countries of the world, I think I would I would enjoy taking a holiday in Italy the most.... I have always enjoyed pasta. I would have to grow a mustache, though... HA! That was pretty stereotypical, was it not?


I think that my favorite holiday is probably Christmas, because we get two holidays for the price of one, on account of New Year's Eve. It's always fun to stay up until midnight and yell as loud as you can...

My fantasy holiday.....

Well, I have to write a post about what my fantasy holiday. I think, if i had to choose, I would go with National Gluttony Day. On National Gluttony Day, people would be able to gorge themselves when and where they please, because all the restraunts would be free. I would Probably be at the Golden Corral all day, since it is the best restraunt I know.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Climate change...

Well... you all know what I'm talking about when I say climate change. It doesn't really affect me much, except giving my area longer, harsher winters. Our winter was 6 freaking months long last year! I guess there is not much we can do around our area to help slow global warming, besides all the "drive less" and "reduce your carbon footprint" stuff...
As part of the student blogging challenge, I wrote a post for BAD 2009 on the topic of climate change.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

My main obsession is FOOD! Enough said...
This image can be found at www.public-domain-image.com

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

interesting things...

Well, humourosly enough, my main intrest is my video games. When i'm bored, ive got like 20-30 games to occupy my time. One of my favorite games is Super Smash Bros. Melee, information about which you can find on various sites. A couple of these sites are Youtube.com and Smashwiki.com

Thursday, October 1, 2009


i just explored blogs from 5 countries: australia, canada, new zealand, scotland, and basq. none of them are very different from ours, except the sites they use. also, the blog from basq was in a foreign language.....